Do the Right Thing

Do it

Last night, I was sitting at a stop light with the color in the turn arrow was red. Three cars were in front of me all waiting for it to turn green. Quickly, one by one, they all ignored the red light and sped right through it, with the last one just escaping a pretty bad wreck, as the person with the right away was going through the intersection. All, I could have done was watch in disbelief, as these three cars just ran the red light, placing everyone else who was around them in danger. This brings me to today’s topic, do the right thing.

Rules are sent in this society as a guideline to keep us safe and kind to our community. There is reason why red means stop and do not go. More and more, people are getting out of control with wanting something now or being where they want now. They don’t stop at the stop sign to see what is around them. Like leaping before you look. Just cause you want to be there five seconds faster than the rest by running a red light, doesn’t give you the right to do it.

Think about this, you run that light and you hit a child crossing the street or person in another car. Well now you forever changed a life and you wanting to get somewhere faster, is now going to take you longer. The thing is, just relax, enjoy those extra moments in the car or whatever you are doing. No need to speed through life, just have fun and relax.

We are all human who read this blog and we all have wants, needs, and way we do our lives. My favor that I ask is slow down a little, do the right thing. Help friends in need, strangers too. Stop at the red lights, don’t rush through them, you never know what life you will change forever or end.  Enjoy the small things and do the right thing.

Doing the right thing is key in this Savage World; that you are no longer just living in, but beginning to own!